
Let's talk about it


Do any of these sound like you?

The over planner & overthinker

You meticulously plan for every situation and have backup plans, yet worry still lingers. The fear of unforeseen events or missing out on something better paralyzes your decision-making. There is a constant worry about making mistakes or damaging your reputation.

The Panicked Soul:

It feels like an electric shock throughout your body. Your heart races, palms sweat, and relaxation seems impossible. This physical turmoil disrupts work and sleep, making you consider seeking medical help. You attempt to hide it, but it persists, leaving you exhausted.

The People Pleaser:

You’re constantly trying to please others – your partner, friends, colleagues, children, even strangers. Your focus is on meeting everyone’s needs and maintaining an image of perfection. However, you often neglect your own desires and needs.

All of this mental energy and constant thinking is draining. You find yourself thinking and feeling more than taking action, and it doesn't seem to improve things; in fact, it might make them worse. You're at a loss for how to proceed.


What is Anxiety?

Anxiety is an excessive and persistent worry that significantly interferes with daily functioning.  It includes worried thoughts, physical discomfort and tension. It encompasses scenarios filled with “what if” questions, extensive overthinking, and has the potential to rob you from enjoying life.  But it doesn’t have to.

The Solution

How we can reduce it.

How you approach anxiety has a huge impact on whether it continues to cause you distress.  You’re seeking relief from anxiety and longing to know what to do when it strikes. You wish to reduce the time and energy spent on “what if” planning.

Through psychoeducation and discussion, we will challenge how you currently approach anxiety and understand how approaching it differently reduces its impact on your functioning and provides you with relief. Decisions will become easier and quicker to make.  Mindfulness will allow you to keep yourself present and reduce the emphasis on past regrets and future “what ifs” allowing you to fully experience the joy in your life.

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