
Let's Start Where You Are

What do you need help with?

You are consumed by "what ifs".


"The Over Thinker"

You try to laugh off your role as the “worrier” but deep down the thoughts and physical reactions are exhausting you. You continuously have fears of missing something, making mistakes, or doing something to ruin your reputation.

It has reached the point where you are thinking more than doing. You want to feel calmer.

Gaining Control & Being Present

You want to approach a situation and know you have the tools to handle it physically and emotionally. You want to be able to make decisions based on what you truly feel and want rather than how someone else might view it. By gaining insight to why this is happening and developing healthy coping skills, you can manage your anxiety and feel a sense of relief and happiness.

You feel unbalanced and overwhelmed

Stress & Life Transitions

“I'm Good but busy!”

Sound familiar? To-do tasks scroll through your head like a never-ending check list? Feelings of sadness and anxiety take over when you realize you are not enjoying life. Kids’ extra curriculars overtake all your evenings and you laugh at the idea of finding time for self-care or socializing.

Prioritizing Life & Happiness

You want to answer the question “How are you doing?” with “I’m great, how are you?” You want to identify what will help alleviate the stress. By exploring your intentions and values, setting boundaries and making decisions that support your goals, you can feel less stressed, be more productive, and fully enjoy life.

You want to stay present in conversations.


“I'm all over the place”

You’ve struggled to finish things on time since elementary school. You often have great ideas yet they never make it to the final round.

While you enjoy your spontaneity and trying new things, you also long for stability. It’s frustrating to consistently forget about important tasks or miss appointments. You think about 4 other things while in conversations.

Managing Life & Relationships

Imagine feeling relaxed when you finish a project ahead of schedule or show up early to an appointment. Imagine truly connecting in a conversation with a friend and feeling supportive to your loved ones. With the right tools or systems in place, you can take control of your obligations while still maintaining time to embrace your creativity.

Let the journey start here

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